/dev/mtl 2024

Join us on November 27, 2024 for a full day of talks from the local tech community!

Taking place at the ÉTS Formation, the day will be filled with insightful presentations in a dual-track agenda: one track in French, one track in English. 16 talks including

  • Frontend Ruby with Glimmer DSL for Web by Andy Maleh, from Ruby Montreal
  • Introduction to Elixir by Cleaver Barnes, from Elixir Montreal
  • Construisez un bot sur vos propres données avec l'API de GPT by Farid Bellameche, from GenAI Montreal
  • Ktor: le framework web 100% Kotlin by Arthur Veys, from JUG Montreal
  • 5 principes d'architecture SOLID by Xavier Balloy, from Software Crafters Québec
  • … and 11 more talks!
See the full schedule

Enjoy a day of learning, networking, and sharing with the local tech communities! Tickets are affordable so anyone can attend. Seats are limited, so get yours now!

📈 2024 by the Numbers

2024 will be an amazing year for attendance, sponsorship, talks, really everything that goes into making a conference great!

What? Tell me about it.
Attendees ~100
Talks 18
Languages French 🇫🇷 / English 🇬🇧

/dev/mtl 2024 is possible through lots of ❤️

Our organizers put dozens of hours of heart and soul into this conference. We couldn't do it without the local meetups!

Photo of Cassandre Pochet

Cassandre Pochet

Photo of Cedric L'Homme

Cedric L'Homme

Photo of Nicolas Carlo

Nicolas Carlo

Photo of Xavier Bouclet

Xavier Bouclet
