Join us on November 27, 2024 for a full day of talks from the local tech community!
Taking place at the ÉTS Formation, the day will be filled with insightful presentations in a dual-track agenda: one track in French, one track in English. 16 talks including
- Frontend Ruby with Glimmer DSL for Web by Andy Maleh, from Ruby Montreal
- Introduction to Elixir by Cleaver Barnes, from Elixir Montreal
- Construisez un bot sur vos propres données avec l'API de GPT by Farid Bellameche, from GenAI Montreal
- Ktor: le framework web 100% Kotlin by Arthur Veys, from JUG Montreal
- 5 principes d'architecture SOLID by Xavier Balloy, from Software Crafters Québec
- … and 11 more talks!
Enjoy a day of learning, networking, and sharing with the local tech communities! Tickets are affordable so anyone can attend. Seats are limited, so get yours now!
Our Presenters are ✨ Amazing ✨

📈 2024 by the Numbers
2024 will be an amazing year for attendance, sponsorship, talks, really everything that goes into making a conference great!
/dev/mtl 2024 is possible through lots of ❤️
Our organizers put dozens of hours of heart and soul into this conference. We couldn't do it without the local meetups!

Cassandre Pochet
Cedric L'Homme
Nicolas Carlo